While one of our staff members, Teresa, was out to dinner the other night, she asked her waitress about her tattoo. The waitress opened the floodgates and began to tell Teresa a personal story about an unplanned pregnancy she had when she was 16 years old.

Teresa asked the waitress, Katie, if she had ever thought about volunteering at Life Centers since her story is so similar to many of the young girls who walk into our centers daily. Then, Katie realized Teresa worked for the same group of pregnancy resource centers that had helped her years ago during her unplanned pregnancy! Katie was floored. She started to cry, and hugged Teresa.

Katie then told Teresa more about her story and mentioned she had actually spoke at one of our Walk + Run for Life events years ago about her experience with our ministry. Katie went on about how helpful we were to her and how she loves what we do.

Here it is 16 years later, and Katie is still in awe of how greatly some strangers helped her and loved on her when she was in a scary, anxious place in her life.

Katie and the baby’s father have now been married for 15 years!

It is a chance encounter for a current staff member to meet someone who was a client at one of our centers years ago, and then to speak with them about their experience- even more of a rare chance encounter. Or was it?

Earlier that day during a staff meeting, Teresa prayed that God would allow us to see more of the fruits of our labor and His labor. She praised Him for allowing us to be a part of these LIFE decisions and prayed that He would bless us by letting us witness moms that have chosen life for their babies.

Teresa’s “chance encounter” was an answer to the prayer she had prayed that very same day. Teresa witnessed firsthand a mom who chose life for her baby after she visited one of our centers 16 years ago.

Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58