We thought you would like to hear from our clients how much impact the new ultrasound machines are having. After an ultrasound, we have them answer this question on an exit form: What did you learn from the ultrasound? How did it help? Here are some recent answers: 

“The pictures and the talk were helpful. I learned how far along I am. The heartbeat helped make my decision to keep the baby.”

“Seeing the baby and learning how far I am.”


“The staff was helpful. The baby appears healthy and it eased my mind.”
“Seeing the baby was helpful. I learned how my baby is growing. The ultrasound made me keep the baby.”
“Seeing my babies. Everything was great. I have twins!”
“The counselor listened to me and answered all my questions. Wow, the baby’s heart beats fast. It helped a lot.”
“I really gained more understanding.”
“Learning information that I never knew. Everything was wonderful! I learned how many weeks I was. Actually seeing helped my decision to keep the baby.”
“The ultrasound and the information given out was helpful. The baby has a heartbeat already!!  It was very helpful.”
“The staff was very helpful and supportive. The baby is so tiny!  It made me come to a conclusion on parenting.”